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Definition: It is an online tool that allows people to input search terms and find information on the internet.


Every once in a while, we all want to learn about something new, like how to cook a new dish, or how to fix something.

When we do, we often turn to our favorite search engine and type in a keyword or two.

A search engine aims to provide as many results as possible for a given word or phrase.

It does so by electronically searching for keywords and phrases as they are entered into the system.

These keywords and phrases are then matched with those of the most relevant results on the web.

The system can be used to find anything from simple facts and definitions to the most obscure information on the planet.

What is the difference between a browser and a search engine?

Many people believe that when you search the internet, your browser is the one who does all the work for you.

When you enter the word “dogs” into a search engine, it is not your browser that searches for related keywords on the internet but rather the search engine itself. 

A browser is a program that is used to search for content on the internet.

It allows users to access websites, images, videos, and other online content.

Google Chrome is one example of a popular browser that’s commonly used in almost any country nowadays.

On the other hand, a search engine is a program that allows users to find specific information related to what they are looking for. 

Common Search Engines 

The internet has transformed the way that people communicate with each other. 

It has also changed how people do research, buy products, and have fun. 

Search engines have become a part of our daily lives since they help us find information quickly and efficiently in less than a minute.

With that said, here are major search engines used nowadays: 


Google is an American company that specializes in Internet-related services and products.

It is the largest search engine on the internet today with over a billion monthly users worldwide. 


Yahoo is a web search engine created by Stanford University computer scientists in 1994. 

It operates as a collection of services including Yahoo! Search, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! News, and Yahoo! Sports. 


Bing was founded by Microsoft in 2009 and has been the default search engine for Microsoft Edge.

It also powers Bing Maps, which provides directions to locations based on searches.


Yandex is a Russian search engine that was created in 1997.

It has grown since then and has become the most popular search engine in Russia.


DuckDuckGo is a search engine that has grown in popularity due to its privacy features. 

It doesn’t track users or record their searches, which is great for people who don’t want others to know what they are searching about.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website and its content to rank higher in search engines. 

It is designed to increase the amount of traffic to a website through the use of keywords or phrases. 

The higher a person’s website ranks on Google, for example, the more visitors it will receive.

In addition, SEO is also used as a very effective marketing tool. 

It allows businesses to reach potential customers who are searching online for products and services. 

Why is SEO important?

SEO plays a vital role in digital marketing. 

Not only does it help with getting high rankings on search engines, but it also comes with benefits that are capable of helping a business grow.

Optimizing your website to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPS) provides a great way to grow revenue.

When people come to your site through organic searches, you will be more likely to convert them to customers.

Here are three reasons why it’s essential for businesses:

It’s free and cost-effective

Companies don’t have to pay search engines to reach potential customers.

They can simply create SEO content and let people discover them organically through keyword searches.

This means they get exposure without having to spend money upfront. 

It improves engagement rates

SEO can be a valuable tool for increasing an online business’s reach and engagement rates. 

People who are searching for something are more likely to find your website.

This means they may become customers if you provide them with the information they need. 

It builds trust and credibility

To remain competitive in an ever-changing digital environment, it is important for businesses to not only have a strong online presence but also the ability to maintain that presence.

SEO helps build your brand by providing you with more opportunities to interact with potential customers.

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